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Bible Course Resources

The Rock Academy, in accordance with FCCPSA,  requires two credits in Bible in order to graduation from high school.  Because there are no state standards concerning Bible education, parents are free to choose from a wide variety of resources.   There are many Bible programs provided from reputable publishers.  The list below contains suggested course options.  All courses for high school credit must be approved by the TRA Guidance Department. 


High school credit is earned from content and number of hours. For self-directed studies listed below,  students must document the hours they spend working on the course and the content covered.  To earn 1/2 credit, students must put in 75 hours of work and content can be documented by providing an overview of the course, topics covered, and any assessments taken.  


Alpha Omega Bible 10

This course is an Old Testament Survey and covers Creation through Captivity & Restoration.   Completion of all 10 Lifepac workbooks will earn 1.0 high school credits. $71.96 (includes teacher materials)

PACE Bible Christian Growth

Basic Christian Growth curriculum is designed to help students understand themselves better and to help them evaluate their relationship and service to Christ, bringing them into a stronger faith   $19.19 (must buy answer key separately)

Alpha Omega Christian Life

This course covers important Biblical concepts that apply to living a Christian life. a   Completion of all 10 Lifepac workbooks will earn 1.0 high school credits.   $71.96 (includes teacher materials.)

Free Online Bible Courses from CBN

CBN provides quality Bible courses from their site.



Teach Yourself the Bible Courses

Self-Study courses provided for all the books of the New Testament.  Each book in the series is packed full of valuable questions on individual chapters of the Bible, check-ups to test your grasp of scriptural truths, and usable suggestions for group study.  There are 25 books to choose from.     e-books $.79 each. 

Church Courses

Your home church may be a great resource for Biblical instruction.  To count toward high school graduation, students must provide an overview and details of the course including the teacher and the number of hours spent.  

(C) 2020 All rights reserved The Rock Academy

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