The Rock Academy
Partnering with parents to provide educational opportunities for students to fulfill their unique purpose.
First / Second Combination Class Enrollment CHECKLIST
1. Family Application—Fill out and return to the TRA office.
All new families must begin with the Application
If you are moving up from the TRA Kindergarten, the Application is NOT required.
2. Family Interview
Families new to TRA/Kidz Rock will be contacted to set up an interview
Returning Families do not need to schedule an appointment.
3. Acceptance—New families will be notified in a timely manner of acceptance into the program.
Kindergarten Readiness Test is required for Kindergarten Students. (Fee applies
4. FACTS Account—
Families will set up their own FACTS account. CLICK HERE
Families will be charged $50 annually for a FACTS account.
IMPORTANT: If you are the recipient of a Scholarship, you will STILL set up a FACTS account.
Step-up for Students will pay TRA directly
Gardiner parents pay the school through FACTS and submit for reimbursement
5. Enrollment through Praxi—digital enrollment and uploading of required records
Link: Parents receive a LINK to the Praxi School Site to complete the Enrollment Process. PRAXI LINK CLICK HERE
Contracts: Both parents (where applicable) must sign and agree to the Partnership Agreement through the Praxi Enrollment process.
6. Required Documents
Birth Certificate
Immunization (up to date). FL 680 form or Exemption (must have correct CODES)
School Entry Physical from FL doctor
7. Parent Handbook (Sections that are applicable to Kindergarten)
This publication will be available on the TRA website under Member Resources.
The Partnership Agreement contains the important information and key points concerning enrollment, obligations, dismissal, etc.
8. Open House
Open House will be held August 7 from 5:00-7:00 p.m. Families are invited to come by to meet the faculty and see the classrooms.
TRA First Grade Checklist and Documents
Welcome to The Rock Academy. This checklist will help you track your progress through the enrollment process.